Risk Model Checklist

Checklist ensures the risk model chosen for the project is sound and will be effectively deployed.
  • Mark all that apply.
  • Is the plan from which the risk model has been derived judged to be sound?
  • Does the network used for the risk model include the key areas of programme risk without going down to an inappropriately low level of detail?
  • Is the network logic sound? Is the logic free of fixed date constraints?
  • Does the risk model include discrete risks, and if so, are these risks drawn from a risk register that the project believes to be of good quality?
  • Will the project be able to make active use of the results to improve project control?
  • What are the key assumptions implicit in the risk model? Have these been explained in any reports that include the results?


    Schedule Risk Analysis: Critical Issues for Planners and Managers, Martin Hopkinson
    HVR Consulting Services Ltd.: contact martin.hopkinson@hvr-csl.co.uk
    Presented at the Fourth European Project Management Conference, PMI Europe 2001, London UK, 6-7 June 2001
    See also Risk Management Strategy Checklist and our Lesson Learned Replace "Risk" with "Uncertainty" in RM