Communication Management Strategy Checklist

Communication Management Strategy Checklist

To be used when creating and approving the project Communication Management Strategy document.
  • Mark all that apply.
  • A common standard for communication has been considered.
  • All stakeholders have been identified and consulted for their communication requirements.
  • For projects that are part of a programme, the lines of communication, and the reporting structure between the project and programme, have been made clear in the Communication Management Strategy.
  • The Communication Management Strategy incorporates corporate communications facilities where appropriate.
  • The formality and frequency of communication is reasonable for the project’s importance and complexity.
  • There is agreement from all stakeholders about the content, frequency and method of communication.
  • The time, effort and resources required to carry out the identified communications have been allowed for in Stage Plans.
    For general guidelines for professional communication, see also 7 "C"s of Communication Checklist