Writing An Executive Summary Checklist

Writing An Executive Summary Checklist

Checklist to be used to write an effective Executive Summary for a project or other business document.
  • Mark all that apply.
    • Does your Executive Summary need to bring together several business documents? For example on a project, your Business Case and Project Brief?
    • What is the goal of writing this Executive Summary? Is it simply to summarize work activity that has taken place for your specific audience? Or is there a strategic goal with the act of summarizing, such as influencing an executive decision or course of action?
    • Is the audience internal to your company, external (e.g. clients, shareholders), or both?
    • Is the content appropriate for your target audience?
    • Is the style of writing appropriate for your target audience (e.g. word choice, tone)?
    • Does the Executive Summary begin with a description of a business problem from your business document?
    • Does the Executive Summary include analysis from your business document?
    • Does the Executive Summary include the conclusion(s) or outcomes from your business document?
    • Does the flow of content of the Executive Summary mirror that of your business document?
    • Have you included a high impact visual or chart that supports the main argument of your business document?
    • Is your Executive Summary short enough that it can be read quickly and result in a solid understanding of your business document? Suggested length for an Executive Summary is one to three pages or five percent the length of the business document you are summarizing.
    • Should your Executive Summary be included in the front of your business document or should it stand alone?