VIU Project Mnagamenent 2013


Through mistakes, personal and professional success and ultimately, experience.


Join us, and learn from yourself!
Ambidexter Management Inc. offers you an opportunity to learn from and with your peers, how to become a more efficient and productive Project Manager.
WHEN: May 25 9:00 am-4:30 pm
WHERE: Vancouver Island University (TBA)
WHO: Hosted by: Ambidexter Management Inc. and VIU Faculty of Management
Participants: We invite VIU Undergraduate and Graduate students who are interested in Project Management and experiential learning.
HOW: Please register at Ambidexter VIU Project Workshop event page
See poster at VIU for INVITE Code
WHY: With years of experience, we at Ambidexter Management Inc. know the effectiveness of experiential learning. Instead of teaching/telling you how to become an effective and productive Project Manager, we want to provide you with the tools and ability to learn these lessons with and from your peers in a controlled environment.
Description of the day: As a participant you will be assigned to one of two project groups; each group will be assigned a Project and asked to design, execute and deliver a successful Project within the allotted time frame.
Upon completion, we intend that you, the participants, will celebrate your success(es) of your project (short-term outcome,) and look forward to your newfound long-term knowledge and insights.
Through your experience of the day you will learn the complex concepts of Project planning and management. We hope that you as participants internalize your Project Management skills; and, by engaging with the tasks at hand, that you feel inspired to create a Project as a representation of your personal ability, rather than for a tangible end goal (such as a grade).
Additional Information: Lunch and refreshments will be provided
Cost: Free (VIU Students)
Registration: Ambidexter VIU Project Workshop